I have always thought of the end of October, Halloween, as the defining moment when our autumn changes to winter. In the past, I would bring the cattle in from the fields and start to feed them hay and grain, they would not go out again till spring rains passed.
Actually, they would spend all winter out, but were limited to a corral behind the barn. They had the option to go in or stay outside, a door into an inside stall was always open. Cattle are healthier out than in, and love to be out. I have seen them stand outside with 6” of snow on their backs. They would only go into the barn to sleep and eat.
Seems like a long time ago that we raised livestock. Never had a digital camera in those days and a lot of memories were lost. Now I am a regular shutter bug and take pictures of every thing.
The winds of winter are nipping at our heels. It won’t be long and the nip will turn into a bite. We have not had a great autumn this year, it has been wet and cool but there have been sprinklings of sunny days. One such day was yesterday, and I made good use of it and took a trail walk.
Such a gorgeous day to be out and about enjoying the last hoorays of fall. There is a silver lining, the colors this year are more vivid and the trees have held their foliage longer.
I took my camera and went walking. As I stepped out the door I realized there was beauty in my own back yard. The deep yellows of Harliquin Maples were more brilliant from the contrasting rust of the Birch.
The reds of a Japanese Maple had its own glow from the early morning sun. I realized it should have been planted more out in the open where it would be more easily viewed. Live and learn, the tree was growing bigger than I thought and had been wrongly situated.
A lone rose peaked out of the trellis, giving a view of the beauty that would soon be history for another year. Or was it a preview of the year to come?
As I drove to the country trail where I would begin my walk, it was hard to not stop, periodically and take a few pictures of Autumns splender.
Corn fields awaiting the harvester have had several reprieves from the knives due to many wet days. Some of the corn will have to wait until the ground freezes before the huge machines can get on the ground.
Rows of Cherry trees sit waiting to shed their leaves.
I finally arrived at my walking trail. Know one else was around but myself and nature. What a glorious fall day.
Sparkling waters as I cross over a bridge.
And waterfalls in the distance.
Seems no matter where I go, sooner or later I wind up down at the lake.
The fog horns will soon be silenced for another season.
The boats are put to bed for the winter and the Marina has become a ghost town.
The beaches no longer have multitudes of bathers but the odd hardy soul still walk the beach bundled against any raw winds off the lake.
The ducks will soon move inland in search of food.
They have been well fed all summer. It must be tough wondering where the next meal comes from.
I love the fall, I love Ontario.
As they say, "Ontario yours to discover".