All that work I had set aside for cooler weather....Well! “pitter, patter, lets get at er”
The good woman decided new carpets in the computer room were necessary.
So! up with the old and in with the new. Move everything out, rip up the baseboards and get out the paint brush. Hell, I thought she said carpets not reconstruction. Will us guys never learn. women talk with forked tongue.
I was down for a few days, out of action. no computer! I was having withdrawal symptoms. Slowly, I have been putting it all back together. Great time to organize the piles., although! now, I can’t find a damn thing.
Does look much nicer.
She is full of good ideas. Now, she is talking about re-doing a bedroom. Maybe! I could slap her in the head with a shovel, and bury the bones out behind the barn. It would be less work, but then! I would be without a best friend, one who cooks, cleans, does the laundry and is the best painter around. If only she would clean fish! It is hard to improve, perfection.
Time away from the Honey-do list.
You gotta love the colors of fall.
A hike through the open bush trail is great on a pleasant Sunday afternoon.
I love this view from a local restaurant.
My travels always take me to the lake sooner or later.
Now I feel rejuvanated. Bring on the other rooms.
In fact I feel so good, I think I will go fishing.
beautiful fall photos, Doug! zzzwe've had frost here the last few days & it's very cold!
didn't mean to have those zz's in there!
Thanks for those fall color pictures Doog! And you should know by now that one new thing calls for another! Ha! And I'm not sure you'd want to live with a woman who cleans fish! :) Great post!
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