The Roadfood junkie website was taken down in favor of blogging. There was more work and costs to maintaining the Roadfood-junkie website than I was prepared to put into it. The website was gaining in popularity but I just wasn't getting the advertising dollars to support the site. Websites rely on a visit to the sponsors to help with maintenance costs.
Blogging seems the easy way to go and Blogger, makes it so easy. Where it took me hours of coding before to get up a web-page; I can now get a blog up in minutes.
Roadfood-junkie Travel Journal was my last creation and where I transferred some of my web-pages to.
It is a long dusty road out there, and I never want to stop learning. I will no doubt try something else, there is more to computing than just emails.
So visit my Roadfood-junkie Travel Journal along with my Dusty Roads Blog and at the bottom of every blog is a comments link. Be nice to know, who is reading the blogs.It makes the effort all worth while.
A Month in San Carlos
It all started with pickleball. Of course it did. The minute I heard
there was a strong pickleball club in San Carlos, Mexico, 7 hours south of
our home ...
7 years ago
I'm here!!!! Keep writing!
Me, too! I agree with jana
Thanks ladies. Been so busy with Honey-Do jobs lately, I haven't had time to get out and have some, quality man time. Fishing season is here and I haven't even cast a line.
I could use a cold draft beer about now.
Hi Dad,
Keep blogging I check your sites every week......
Dinner last night was delicious
Thanks again,
Love T
Doug, you are part of my mornin' ritual. HMM, didnt mean it the way it sounds"-)). I am headed now to delete the infamous roadfoodjunkie site. I'll be here though.
Thanks Carl and my dear first born, Tracey. I don't know how some can think of what to talk about. I can't even do Facebook. That is why there is always such a lull in my postings.
I can't talk about my sex life now that the kids are watching.
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